application writing surgery
cymhorthfa ysgrifennu ceisiadau
With Krystal Lowe, Sophie Lorimer, Zosia Jo and a representative from Arts Council Wales
An afternoon of information, tips and support for independent and/or emerging artists looking to improve (or begin!) their fundraising process.
Friday 4th April 12.30pm-4pm
Chapter Arts (Cwtsch)
Struggling to know where to start with funding applications or commissions? Unsure how to put your ideas down on paper? Need support with budgets and spreadsheets?
We can help!
Top tips from a couple of self producing artists with several successful applications under their belts
Advice from Arts Council Wales
A clear explanation from creative brains about the key questions and aspects of the application process
A practical look at budgeting from Groundwork’s own spreadsheet whizz
Personalised Q&A with time to look at your ideas in concrete terms with support
After a brief presentation from us on our tips, tricks and what to expect, we will break into small groups and get into the nitty gritty so you can get personalised support.
We will be in the Cwtch at Chapter so you’re welcome to order food and cuppas to get you through the afternoon!
Places are limited to maximise the benefit and allocated on a first come first served basis.
Schedule for the day:
12.30-1pm arrival, meet and greet, introductions
1pm-2pm presentations from panel on their top tips
2pm - 4pm in depth Q&A and application support small groups
Gyda Krystal Lowe, Sophie Lorimer, Zosia Jo a chynrychiolwr o Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru
Prynhawn llawn gwybodaeth, awgrymiadau a chymorth ar gyfer artistiaid annibynol neu/a artistiaid sy’n dod i’r amlwg sydd yn edrych i wella (neu gychwyn!) eu proses codi arian.
Dydd Gwener y 4ydd o Ebrill 12.30yp - 4yp
Cwtsh Chapter Arts
Cael trafferth cychwyn efo ysgrifennu ceisiadau neu gomisiynau? Yn ansicr sut i roi eich syniadau lawr ar bapur? Angen cymorth efo’r arian a’r spreadsheets?
Fe fedrwn ni helpu!
Yr awgrymiadau gorau gan gwpl o artistiaid hunan-gynhyrchu gyda sawl cais llwyddiannus o dan eu gwregysau
Cyngor gan y Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru
Eglurhad clir o ymenydd creadigol am y cwestiynnau allweddol ac agweddau’r broses ymgeisio
Ffordd ymarferol o edrych ar ariannu gan ein whizz speadsheets ein hunain yn Groundwork
Cyfnod Cwestiwn ag ateb bersonol efo amser i edrych ar eich syniadau mewn ffyrdd concrît efo chefnogaeth
Ar ôl cyflwyniad byr ganddom ni ar ein triciau, awgrymiadau a beth i ddisgwyl, fe fyddwn yn rhannu mewn i grwpiau bach er mwyn cael mewn i’r pethau penodol fel y gallwch gael cymorth yn arbennig i chi.
Fe fyddwn yn y Cwtsh yn Chapter felly me croeso i chi archebu bwyd a panediau i gadw chi fynd trwy’r prynhawn!
Mae llefydd yn gyfyngiedig er mwyn cael y gorau allan o’r diwrnod, ac yn cael ddyrannu ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin.
Amserlen y diwrnod:
12:30-1: Cyrraedd, croeso a cyflwyniadau
1yp-2yp : Cyflwyniad gan y panel am ei awgrymiadau gorau
2yp - 4yp : Sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb dwfn a chymorth am geisiadau mew grwpiau bach