workshops / gweithdai

Groundwork Collective puts on workshops on a termly basis (sometimes more than one!).
Workshops will be facilitators from Wales and beyond. Seeking to give people one off intensives in different facilitators movement practices.
Mae Groundwork Collective yn cynnal gweithdai bob tymor (weithiau mwy nag un!).
Bydd y gweithdai yn hwyluswyr o Gymru a thu hwnt. Ceisio rhoi sesiynau dwys unwaith ac am byth i bobl mewn gwahanol arferion symud hwyluswyr.
Previous workshops
want to remember who the facilitator was? intrigued at who has facilitated in the past? keep scrolling for info on previous Groundwork Collectiveworkshop

Orientation Day
Diwrnod Cyfeiriadedd
New to Cardiff or looking for fresh opportunities in the dance world?
Join us for Orientation Day on Friday, 10 January at Chapter, Canton, and connect with our vibrant dance community.
Save the date for a day of inspiring classes, taster sessions, and connection with Cardiff’s movers, makers, and organisations!
📍10:00–11:30: Class with Eeva-Maria Mutka
📍12:00–13:30: Plot the Dance Map of Wales
📍14:00–16:00: Dance Hub & Free Taster Sessions
Newydd i Gaerdydd neu’n edrych am gyfleuon newydd o fewn y byd dawns?
Ymunwch a ni am Ddiwrnod Cyfeiriadedd, Dydd Gwener, y 10fed o Ionawr, yn Chapter, Canton, a cysylltwch a’n cymuned dawns bywiog.
Cadwch y dyddiad am ddiwrnod llawn dosbarthiadau ysbrydoledig, sesiynnau blasu, a chysylltu â dawnswyr, creuwyr a sefydliadau Caerdydd!
📍10:00 - 11:30: Dosbarth efo Eeva-Maria Mutka
📍12:00 - 13:30: Plotiwch Map Dawns Cymru
📍14:00 - 16:00: Hwb Dawns a Sesiynau Blasu am ddim
This event is funded by the Arts Council Wales, Create Grant. ||
Ariennir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Create Grant.

Winter Wellbeing Day
Diwrnod Lles Gaeafol
Warm up your body, mind and soul with Groundwork as we wiggle into winter. A nourishing day of movement, breath work, yoga and massage in the welcoming and green setting of Grange Pavilion. A luxurious day for your whole self- without the retreat price tag!
Cynheswch eich corff, ymenydd a’ch enaid efo Groundwork wrth symud i mewn i’r gaeaf. Diwrnod maethlon llawn symud, gwaith anadl, ioga a thyluno yng ngofod croesawgar a gwyrdd Pafiliwn Grange. Diwrnod moethus ar gyfer chi - heb fod a pris encil!
When: Saturday 30th November, 9:30am - 18:30pm (see break down of day for details)
Where: Grange Pavilion, Cardiff
Price: £15, £25, £35, £45
This event is funded by the Arts Council Wales, Create Grant. ||
Ariennir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, Create Grant.

Y Corff sy'n Gwrando / The Listening Body
A Weekend Retreat with Cai Tomos
Friday 17th - Sunday 19th May
Gregynog Hall, Newtown SY16 3PL
About Cai Tomos
Arstist Cymreig yw Cai Tomos (rhagenwau: ef/ef). Mae gwaith Cai yn ei hanfod yn ymwneud â symud, yn ei holl ffurfiau. Gyda diddordeb yn y dychymyg a'i berthynas â'n cyrff, yn ogystal ag iachâd ac iechyd.
I ddarganfod mwy am Cai ewch i'w wefan: https://caitomos.com
About the workshop
This is a workshop open to all who are curious about learning from their own body and imagination. There is an inherent grace that appears in movement when we begin to source and trust our own dance. This workshop will focus on processes that support active dialogues between, sensation, imagination, movement, and the composition of dances that come through us in each moment. What moves us is so often a mystery. How do we tune into each subtle invitation from the body and imagination in order to move towards full hearted expression. How can we be danced by some other force than that of our will? Through structured improvisations will swing open the doors to play and give value to uncertainty as a place where aliveness might live. A way to begin is usually to slow down just enough so that we can begin to hear what wants to move within us, like archeology, we slowly see what appears as we uncover what has been hidden. The movement work is supported by other art forms such writing, drawing, some use of images and objects as a way to ground and expand our learning. We will spend time both indoors and outdoors among the incredible grounds of Gregynog. Cai Tomos // Mae hwn yn weithdy sydd yn agored i bawb sydd eisiau dysgu gan eu cyrff a’i dychymyg. Mae yna ras cynhenid sydd yn ymddangos o fewn symud pan rydym yn dechrau ffynhonellu ac ymddiried yn ein dawns ni. Mi fydd y gweithdy yma yn ffocysu ar y broses sydd yn cefnogi deialog gweithgar rhwng teimlad, dychymyg, symud a’r cyfansoddiad o ddawnsio sydd yn dod trwyddo ni ymhob eiliad. Mae beth sydd yn ein symud ni, mor aml yn ddirgelwch. Sut gallwn ni diwnio i fewn i bob gwahoddiad cynnil o’r corff a’r dychymyg er mwyn gallu symud tuag at mynegiant llawn galon. Sut gallwn ni ddawnsio gan ryw lu gwahanol i’n ewyllys? Trwy fyrfyfyr strwythedig mi fyddwn yn agor y drysau i chwarae a rhoi gwerth i ansicrwydd fel lle gall bywioliaeth fyw. Ffordd i ddechrau yn aml ydi i arafu lawr digon fel gallwn ddechrau clywed beth sydd eisiau symud o fewn ni, fel archeoleg, gallwn weld yn araf beth sydd yn ymddangos wrth ddadorchuddio beth sydd wedi bod yn cuddio. Mae’r gwaith symud yn cael ei gefnogi gan ffurfiau eraill o gelf megis ysgrifennu, darlunio, defnydd o luniau a gwrthrychau fel ffordd i ddaearu a ehangu ein dysgu. Cawn wario amser tu fewn a tu allan ynghanol tiroedd anghygoel Gregynog. Cai Tomos
A brief overview of the weekend
Trosolwg byr o'r penwythnos
Friday / Dydd Gwener
from 4pm: Arrival / Cyrraedd
6pm - 8pm: Welcome meal and check in / Swper
croeso a chwrdd
Saturday / Dydd Sadwrn
10am-1pm: Morning Movement / Symud boreol
2pm - 5:30pm: Afternoon Movement /
Symud prynhawr
Sunday / Dydd Sul
10am - 1pm: Morning Movement / Symud boreol
2pm - 4:30pm: Afternoon Movement / Symud prynhawn
from 4:30pm: packing up and leaving / pacio a gadael
please note this is an indication of the agenda for the weekend. activities will be a mixture of indoors and outdoors dependant on weather and needs of the group.
nodwch taw amcan ydi'r agenda ar gyfer y penwythnos. mi fydd y gweithgareddau yn gymysgedd o fod tu fewn ac allan yn yr awyr agored yn dibynnu ar y tywydd a gofynion y grwp.
Please note the price of this workshop includes accommodation and catering over the weekend.
Once you have booked please contact us with any dietary requirements and access needs at: groundworkprocardiff@gmail.com
We thank the Arts Council Wales for their funding which allows us to offer this retreat at a heavily subsides rate.

Contact Improvisation
A workshop with Hugh Stainer
Friday 15th December
1:30 - 4:30pm
Chapter Arts, Dance Studio
About Hugh Stainer
Hugh is a Contemporary Dance Artist specialising in Floorwork & Contact Improvisation. He has 16 years of teaching & performance experience. He began dancing when he was 15, training in Break dance and Contemporary. He went on to train at Northern School of Contemporary Dance, graduating in 2008. Since then he has worked with companies such as 2Faced Dance, Tom Dale, STAN Won’t Dance, and Wim Vandekeybus/Ultima Vez. He has taught internationally at the Goa Contact Festival, Goa Dance residency, Thailand Contact and ecstatic arts festival, Berlin contact festival and Portugal Contact festival and for National Dance company Wales (NDCW) as well as organising his own workshops and retreats in Portugal, Germany and Israel. Within his teaching practice he combines his experience in Breakdance, Contemporary and Contact Improvisation to create a highly physical, technical and intuitive approach to movement exploration. He is also a qualified TMW (Tai Chi Movements for Wellbeing) facilitator. The principles of Tai Chi and Qi Kung underpin his approach to teaching and facilitating movement. Presently, what interests Hugh most about teaching and facilitating movement is how to create and hold spaces for other people to find a deeper connection to themselves through playful exploration. Whether it is improvisation, contact Improvisation, or a choreographed dance class, the focus and intention lies in finding the joy and power of a movement practice connected to presence, awareness and breath.
Contact improvisation with Hugh
In Contact my approach is both technical and experiential - concentrating on building up a functional understanding of underlying physical principles and structures of Contact Improvisation whilst also widening the trust to one's instincts, impulses and intuition. The principal themes behind the work are organic, fluid and functional movement. Fluid transitions. Efficiency. Sequentiality. (What to expect) The sessions develop slowly from inside to out. Often starting with individual floor-work, offering particular principles and tasks, and then gradually building up through the layers using the natural spirals of the body. Material alternates between contact and solo tasks, and exercises that connect the group as a whole, creating an open, safe and exciting environment to explore. Within specific exercises we will explore tools that are helpful to work in contact: sharing weight, center-to-center, leaning and supporting, rolling point of contact. Also using ideas around momentum, suspension, inertia & falling. To find effortless ways into weight transfers and lifting, leading and following, falling and spiraling… Time will also be given to work with dance-scores, which allows participants to get into the flow of their own movement, giving time and space to integrate the learnt technique into their dance. The workshop is open level. Everybody is welcome.
About the workshop
The sessions develop slowly from inside to out. Often starting with individual floor-work, offering particular principles and tasks, and then gradually building up through the layers using the natural spirals of the body. Material alternates between contact and solo tasks, and exercises that connect the group as a whole, creating an open, safe and exciting environment to explore. Within specific exercises we will explore tools that are helpful to work in contact: sharing weight, center-to-center, leaning and supporting, rolling point of contact. Also using ideas around momentum, suspension, inertia & falling. To find effortless ways into weight transfers and lifting, leading and following, falling and spiraling… Time will also be given to work with dance-scores, which allows participants to get into the flow of their own movement, giving time and space to integrate the learnt technique into their dance. The workshop is open level. Everybody is welcome.

Movement Direction with
/ Cyfeiriad Symudiad gyda
Struan Leslie
Date: Sunday 11th June
Time: 10am - 4pm
Venue: Rubicon Dance, Cardiff
Dyddiad: Dydd Sul 11 Mehefin
Amser: 10yb - 4yp
Lleoliad: Rubicon Dance, Caerdydd
About the workshop
This workshop will ask questions and focus on the application of movement in the training of actors, singers and musicians.
how can we define movement direction and teaching for theatre and performance?
What areas of our practise are useful in this work and how might we extend and develop our work into this area?
It is hoped that this workshop will also present an opportunity to create relationships between RWCMD and Welsh movement/dance artists as a means of developing artistic practice in movement directing and teaching.
Am y gweithdy
Mi fydd y gweithdy yma yn gofyn cwestiynnau ac yn ganolbwyntio ar gymhwyso symudiad mewn hyfforddiant actorion, cantorion a cerddorion.
Sut gallwn ni ddifinio cyfarwyddo symud a dysgu ar gyfer theatr a pherfformio?
Pa rannau o’n ymarfer sydd yn ddefnyddiol yn y gwaith yma a sut gallwn ymestyn a datblygu ein gwaith o fewn y gofod yma?
Mae gobaith bydd y gweithdy yma hefyd yn cyflwyno cyfle i greu perthnasau rhwng y Coleg Cerdd a Drama a artistiaid symud/dawns Cymreig er mwyn fel modd o ddatblygu ymarfer artistic o fewn cyfarwyddo symud a dysgu.

Archival Body: A workshop with
/ Corff Archifol: Gweithdy efo
Temitope Ajose-Cutting
Sunday 5th February
University of Wales, Trinity Saint Davids, Carmarthen Campus
ddydd Sul 5 Chwefror,
ym Mhrifysgol Cymru, Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Campws Caerfyrddin
About the workshop
Temitope’s practice is in the ‘archive’ of the body. Our individual body is set within the timeline of past, present and future and its implications for ourselves and others. There is a deep well of knowledge the body holds of what has been, those who have been through and the echoes of time past within its molecular structure.
Encouraged by the book ‘The body keeps the score’ (Bessel Van De Kolk) Temitope’s interest in the felt, yet unseen histories within body becomes a framework for her workshop the ‘Archival Body’
During the workshop both collective and individual investigations will take place with provocations from Temitope.
There will be collective moving, touchwork, exuberant dancing, durational ‘nudging’, partner dancing, sounding and voice play calling our ancestors and origins into live/lived history dancing.
For more information email groundworkprocardiff@gmail.com
For half price use the code groundworkmember
Am y gweithdy
Mae ymarfer Temitope yn ‘archif’ y corff. Mae ein corff unigol ni wedi’i osod o fewn llinell amser y gorffennol, presennol a’r dyfodol a’i goblygiadau i ni ac eraill. Mae yna wybodaeth dwfn mae’r corff yn ei ddal am beth sydd wedi bod, pwy sydd wedi bod cynt ac adlais o’r gorffennol o fewn ei strwythyr moleciwlaidd.
Wedi’i annog gan y llyfr ‘The body keeps the score’ (Bessel Van De Kolk) mae diddordeb Temitope yn yr hanes anweledig, er teimladwy sydd o fewn y corff yn creu fframwaith ar gyfer ei gweithdy ‘Corff Archifol’.
Yn ystod y gweithdy, caiff ymchwiliadau unigol a chydweithredol ei gwneud, efo cythruddiadau gan Temitope.
Mi fydd yna symud cydweithredol, gwaith cyffwrdd, dawnsio afieithus, ‘nudging’ parhaol, dawnsio â phartner, swnio a chwarae efo’r llais gan alw ar ein cyndeidiau a’n tarddiad i fewn i ddawns hanes byw.
am fwy o wybodaeth ebostiwch groundworkprocardiff@gmail.com
Am hanner pris defnyddiwch y cod groundworkmember