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A day of
Skinner Releasing Technique
with Gaby Agis

Saturday 31st May

11am - 4pm | £25 

Hwb Y Gors, Cwmgors

Dydd Sadwrn y 31ain o Fai

11yb - 4yp | £25

Hwb y Gors, Cwmgors

Mae’r gweithdy yma yn ran o raglen wedi’i gefnogi gan CCC.


Mae Techneg Rhyddhau Skinner (SRT) yn ddull arloesol o drin dawns, symud a’r broses greadigol sydd wedi datblygu o'r egwyddor syml, pan fyddwn yn rhyddhau tensiwn corfforol, y gallwn symud gyda mwy o ryddid, pŵer a mynegiant. Mae'n ddull chwareus a hael o ddawnsio. Bydd y dosbarthiadau'n cynnwys delweddau barddonol, wedi'u hategu gan gerddoriaeth a pheth graffeg partner, gan ddefnyddio cyffwrdd dan arweiniad. Bydd cyfle i ysgrifennu, darlunio a myfyrio. 

Mae croeso i'r rhai sy'n newydd i SRT a'r rhai sy'n dychwelyd.


Yn yr hwyr fe fydd dangosiad sinema o berfformiad Knitting Fog yn Sinema Brynaman am 6yh. Mae gwybodaeth am y tocynnau ar wefan Sinema Brynaman.


Mae Knitting Fog yn berfformiad symud site-specific yn Chwarel Herbert, Mynydd Du, wedi gyfarwyddo gan Jess Lerner mewn cydweithrediad a’r dawnswyr Gaby Agis a Amy Voris i greu triawd bydd yn perfformio ar y 10fed o Fai.


Am fwy o wybodaeth ar weithdai eraill, dangosiadau a sgyrsiau fel rhan o brosiect ehangach Knitting Fog dilynwch

This workshop is part of the Knitting Fog programme supported by ACW


Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) is a pioneering approach to dance, movement and creative process that has evolved from the simple principle that when we are releasing physical tension, we can move with greater freedom, power and articulation. It is a playful and generous approach to dancing. Classes will consist of poetic imagery, supported by music and some partner graphics, using guided touch. There will be an opportunity for writing, drawing and reflection. 

Those new to SRT and those returning are welcome.


In the evening there will be a cinema screening of the Knitting Fog performance at Brynaman Cinema at 6pm ticket info on Brynamman Cinema website.


Knitting Fog is a site specific movement based performance on Herberts Quarry, Mynydd Du, directed by Jess Lerner in collaboration with dancers Gaby Agis and Amy Voris to make a trio which will be performed on May 10th.  

For further info on other workshops, screenings and a talk as part of Knitting Fog wider project please follow 

Mae Gaby Agis (hi) yn goreograffydd, athrawes a dawnsiwr sy'n byw yn Llundain, y DU. Mae hi wedi bod yn gwneud perfformiadau am y pedwar degawd diwethaf, yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol, gan gydweithio ag artistiaid o ystod eang o feysydd o bensaernïaeth i opera i gerflunio i ffilm. Mae hi wedi creu llawer o weithiau safle-benodol ar gyfer ysbytai, gorsafoedd trenau, amgueddfeydd, orielau celf a theatrau, eistedd ar fyrddau sawl sefydliad dawns, gweithredu fel cyfarwyddwr ei chwmni ei hun a gweithio fel curadur dawns. Mae Gaby wedi dysgu Techneg Rhyddhau Skinner (SRT) ledled y DU, UDA, Twrci ac Ewrop am y 30 mlynedd diwethaf. Mae'r dechneg hon wedi bod yn gynhenid ​​i'w hymarfer creadigol. Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf mae hi wedi creu dawnsiau sain a recordiwyd mewn mannau gwyrdd ledled Llundain ac wedi ail-greu Hoist for the Impro Dance Festival yn Amgueddfa Arter yng nghanol Istanbul.

Gaby Agis (she/her) is a choreographer, teacher and dancer living in London, UK. She has been making performances for the past four decades, both nationally and internationally, collaborating with artists from a wide range of fields from architecture to opera to sculpture to film. She has created many site-specific works for hospitals, train stations, museums, art galleries and theatres, sat on the boards of several dance organizations, acted as a director of her own company and worked as a dance curator. Gaby has taught the Skinner Releasing Technique (SRT) throughout the UK, USA, Turkey and Europe for the past 30 years. This technique has been intrinsic to her creative practice. In recent years she has created audio dances recorded in green spaces across London and recreated Hoist for the Impro Dance Festival at the Arter Museum in central Istanbul.

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