The Groundwork Scratch / Scratch Groundwork

Groundwork Collective holds scratch events throughout the year for artists to have space to share creative ideas in their early stages.
Scratch events are for artists, audiences and programmers to come together and engage in creative discussions while supporting artists in making new work!
Mae Groundwork Collective yn cynnal digwyddiadau scratch trwy gydol y flwyddyn i artistiaid gael lle i rannu eu syniadau creadigol ar gychwyn ei taith artistig
Mae'r digwyddiadau scratch i artistiaid, cynulleidfaoedd a rhaglennwyr ddod at eu gilydd a chael sgwrsio'n greadigol, tra'n cefnogi artistiaid i wneud gwaith newydd!
The Groundwork Scratch 2025
The Groundwork Scratch returns to National Dance Company Wales, Dance House this Spring 2025!
Saturday 12th April, 2-5pm
The event will support work from Dorka Zátonyi, Kitsch ñ Sync and Emily Stroud to share their early stage movement work in front of a live audience.
Full artist information is to come and tickets will go be released soon!
Am Scratch Groundwork 2025
Mae’r Scratch Groundwork yn dychwelyd i Dŷ Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru Gwanwyn yma.
Dydd Sadwrn Ebrill 12fed, 2-5pm
Bydd y digwyddiad yn cefnogi gwaith gan Dorka Zátonyi, Kitsch ñ Sync ac Emily Stroud i rannu eu gwaith symud cyfnod cynnar o flaen cynulleidfa fyw.
Gwybodaeth artist llawn i ddod a bydd tocynnau yn mynd yn cael eu rhyddhau yn fuan!
Previous artists supported through Groundwork Scratch events
(click on the image for info)