Class Pass / Tocyn Dosbarth
About Class Pass
Class passes are the easy, cost effective way to pay for our weekly dance classes. Check out the class pass and drop in options below.
Full Class Pass - £80 per term
This gives you access to ALL Thursday and Friday classes throughout the term.
Half Class Pass - £40 per term
Only free on Thursday’s?
Only want to access Improvisation?
This pass gives you access to either Technique only or Improvisation only throughout the term. If you want to drop in to the opposite class then you pay a half price drop in fee of £5.
Drop In - £10 per class
Can’t commit to a full term of classes?
Then you can pay £10 per class for drop ins and come whenever suits you! - Please note: this will be a cash payment on the day.
​​Extras as a class pass holder:​
Best value for money for attending weekly classes
A voice in decision making about facilitators and our future program
The ability to pre-book Groundspace 3months in advance.
on top of our open offerings that are open to all such as:
Sharing work at scratch nights
Access to creative care conversations and treatments
Opportunities to teach on the programme
purchase your class pass below, scroll down for further information on payment options and access support.
Am Tocyn Dosbarth
Mae Tocynau Dosbarth yn ffordd hawdd a chost effeithiol o dalu am ein dosbarthiadau dawns wythnosol. Darllenwch ymlaen i weld opsiynau'r Tocyn Dosbarth a drop ins.
Tocyn Dosbarth Llawn - £80 y tymor
Mae hwn yn rhoi mynediad i holl ddosbarthiadau dydd Iau a Gwener trwy gydol y tymor.
Hanner Tocyn Dosbarth - £40 y tymor
Dim ond ar gael ar ddyddiau Iau? Dim ond eisiau mynediad i ddosbarthiadau Byrfyfyr? Mae’r tocyn yma yn rhoi mynediad i naill a’i dosbarthiadau Techneg neu rhai Byrfyfyr trwy gydol y tymor. Os ydych am fynd i’r dosbarth arall gallwch dalu hanner mynediad drop in fel arfer felly £5 yn unig.
Drop In - £10 y dosbarth
Methu ymrwyro i dymor llawn o ddosbarthiadau? Gallwch dalu £10 y dosbarth ar gyfer drop ins neu dod pan mae’n siwtio chi! - nodwch: taliadau arian parod ar y diwrnod fydd hwn.
Pethau ychwanegol o fod â tocyn dosbarth:
Cael y pris gorau am fynychu dosbarthiadau wythnosol
Llais yn rhaglenni'r dyfodol a pwy yw ein hwyluswyr
Y gallu i rag-archebu Groundspace 3 mis o flaen llaw.
Ar ben ein cynnigion sydd ar agor i bawb megis:
Rhannu gwaith yn ein nosweithu scratch
Mynediad i sgyrsiau a triniaethau gofal creadigol
Cyfloedd i ddysgu ar y rhaglen
​Gallwch brynnu eich tocyn dosbarth isod, sgroliwch i lawr i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am opsiynau talu a chyrchu cymorth.​​​​​

Payment Options
We understand that any upfront payment can be a big financial commitment. We are passionate about making our work accessible. Please email us to talk about payment plan options if you would like to break up the cost.
Access​ to class
For those who have access barriers to participating in our classes such as travel, childcare, or additional needs please let us know how we can support you - we have a small pot of funds available for access support.
Opsiynau Talu
Rydym yn ymwybodol bod ein tocynnau dosbarth yn ymrwymiad ariannol mawr, ac yn angerddol am wneud ein gwaith yn hygyrch. Ebostiwch ni i siarad am opsiynnau talu os hoffech dorri fyny’r taliadau.
Mynediad i'r dosbarthiadau
Ar gyfer rheiny sydd a rhwystrau mynediad o ran mynychu ein dosbarthiadau megis teithio, gofal plant neu anghenion ychwanegol, gadewch i ni wybod a gallwn weld sut gallwn fod o gymorth - mae gennym bot bach o arian gall helpu chi.
dance. move. make.
dawns. symud. creu.
morning technique class
online classes
weekend intensives
dosbarth techneg boreol
dosbarthiadau ar-lein
penwythnosau dwys
weekly improvisation classes and jams
with live musicians
open to all
dosbarthiadau byrfyfyr wythnosol a jamiau
gyda cherddorion byw
agored i bawb
studio space
scratch nights
paid peer / mentor conversations
gofod stiwdio
nosweithiau crafu
sgyrsiau cyfoedion/mentor cyflogedig