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Lucy May Constantini

Date: Friday 18th and 25th October

Time: 10am - 11:30am 

Venue: Chapter Arts, Cardiff, The Dance Studio

About Lucy May Constantini
My practices of somatic improvisation and martial arts create my framework for enquiry into movement.  I’m curious about how these enable resilience and pliancy through the changing phases of life.  I’m mindful of Nancy Stark Smith’s advice to ‘be ok with the messiness’ and I draw on her practice of ‘come as you are’.  I’m inspired by the landscapes I move in close to home (in Swansea): sand, earth and sea – how these impact the deeply felt sense of the body and its urge to move. 


Class Description

‘In these beleaguered times, be agile, be nimble, be dependable.’  Steve Paxton


I’ve been reflecting on these words Steve Paxton spoke at Nancy Stark Smith’s memorial in 2020, and how we resource ourselves to meet this.  With this in mind, class will begin with tuning into the body and sensation and our structures of support for movement. 


We’ll then work through improvisation scores (inspired by Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith and Lisa Nelson), some solo, some in small and larger groups.  We’ll nurture focus, play, autonomy, care and freedom in moving in space and with one another.





Instagram: @lucymayconstantini

Am Lucy May Constatini

​Trwy fy ymarfer somatic, byrfyfyr a chrefft ymladd dwi’n creu fframwaith ar gyfer ymholiad i fewn i symud. Dwi’n chwilfrydig am sut gall rhein alluogi gwytnwch trwy gyfnodau gwahanol o fywyd. Dwi’n ystyriol o gyngor Nancy Stark Smith i ‘fod yn iawn efo’r llanast’ a dwi’n tynnu ar ei ymarfer hi i ‘ddod fel ydych chi’. Caf fy ysbrydoli gan y tirweddau dwi’n symud ynddynt, sy’n agos i adref (yn Abertawe): tywod, daear a’r môr - sut gall rhein effeithio ar y teimlad dwfn o’r corff a’i ysfa i symud.


Am Dosbarth 

‘In these beleaguered times, be agile, be nimble, be dependable’ Steve Paxton


Dwi wedi bod yn adlewyrchu ar y geiriau yma wnaeth Steve Paxton adrodd y ystod gwasanaeth goffa Nancy Stark Smith yn 2020, a sut gallwn ni adnoddu ein hunan i cwrdd a hyn. Wrth feddwl am hyn, mi fydd y dosbarth yn dechrau drwy diwnio i mewn i’r corff a’r teimlad a’n strwythurau cefnogi ar gyfer symud. Fyddwn i wedyn yn symud trwy sgoriau byrfyfyr (wedi ysbrydoli gan Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith a Lisa Nelson), rhai’n unigol, rhai mewn grwpiau bach a mawr. Byddwn ni’n meithrin ffocws, chwarae, ymreolaeth, gofal a’r rhyddid o fewn symud yn y gofod ac efo eraill.





Instagram: @lucymayconstantini

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