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Audio Practice with Cai Tomos




43mins 03secs


About the Course

(scroll down for English)

“Dwi’n gobeithio bydd y sgoriau sain hyn fel priciau tân i’r corff a’r dychymyg. Mae’r sgoriau yn rhyw fath o gydymaith i’r sawl yn ein plith sydd yn treulio amser ar ei ben ei hun mewn llefydd. Mae’n un o sawl ffordd o agor drysau i’r ddeialog rhwng y synhwyrau, y dychymyg, a mynegiant corfforol.

Does dim un ffordd benodol o ymateb i’r geiriau, delweddau a gwahoddiadau dwi’n eu cynnig. Yn ystod yr ymarfer dwi’n eich gwahodd i ddilyn beth sydd yn ddefnyddiol i chi ei ddilyn. Efallai byddwch chi’n symud drwy’r amser neu bod yn llonydd, neu’r ddau. Y bwriad ydy cyfeirio tuag at beth all esgor ar deunydd, a hynny ag ysbryd meddwl y dechreuwr, ac amynedd ynghylch dirgelwch y corff a’r dychymyg.

Wrth i’r sgôr sain symud ymlaen gall fod yn ddefnyddiol i ddychwelyd i’r anadl lle bo angen fel y gallwch barhau â chysylltiad i’r bywiogrwydd posib yn y cysylltiadau rhwng y synhwyrau a’r dychymyg wrth iddyn nhw newid. Mae’r meddwl mwddrwg weithiau yn dymuno ymuno mewn sawl ffordd. Gallwn wrthod ei gynnig â grâs a rhoi ein sylw rhywle arall. Mae’r sgoriau sain i gyd yn fynedfa syml i mewn i weithredoedd creadigol dwi’n gobeithio bydd yn ein symud ni i mewn i sgwrs gyda’n hunain creadigol.”

Mae’r sgôr hwn ar gael yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg (dolen i’r tudalen arall)

‘I hope these audio scores may be like simple kindling for the fire of the body and imagination. The scores are companions of sorts, for those of us who spend time alone in spaces. It is one way of many, to open doorways into the dialogue between sensation, imagination, and expression through the body.

There is no one-way of responding to the words, images and invitations I propose. In the practice I invite you to follow what feels useful to follow. You might continually move or be still, or move between both. The intention is to orient towards what might bring resource, and with the spirit of a beginners mind, with patience towards the mystery of the body and imagination.

As the audio score goes along, It can be helpful to return to the breath when needed so that you can remain connected to the possible aliveness of the connections between sensation and imagination as it changes. The trickster mind can sometimes wish to participate, in a variety of ways. We can kindly decline its invitation and place our attention someplace else. The audio scores are simple gateways into creative acts that I hope bring us into conversation with our creative selves.’

This score is available in either Welsh or English.

Your Instructor

Cai Tomos

Cai Tomos

Cai Tomos is a movement and dance artist. He works in participatory arts within various contexts offering workshops and one to one work for those in hospitals, mental health settings, those with addiction, older people, as well as actors and dancers in the UK and Europe. He is an artist with Entelechy arts, and is an artist in residence at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital working in oncology and palliative care. His work is deeply rooted in exploring the importance of the imagination within creativity and its connection to the body and health. Improvisational dance practices are the foundation of his creative process. He works in Galeri arts centre in North Wales where he facilitates movement for wellbeing sessions for elders, and a performance company for the over 60s. He is a registered Arts Psychotherapist and completed his studies in 2013 at the Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education and has been awarded an MA qualification in integrative Arts Psychotherapy. He is currently in the process of completing training in Somatic experiencing, a body based treatment for a trauma.

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