Krystal's class is a ballet session for dancers who desire to maintain and develop their ballet technique. Throughout the session, Krystal will explain each exercise and give a few things to think about in order to ensure correct technique. Please ensure that you are wearing comfortable clothing, are in a safe and clear environment with good airflow, and that you have water nearby to ensure you're well hydrated
Mae dosbarth Krystal yn sesiwn bale ar gyfer dawnswyr sy'n dymuno cynnal a datblygu eu techneg bale. Trwy gydol y sesiwn, bydd Krystal yn egluro pob ymarfer ac yn rhoi ychydig o bethau i feddwl amdanynt er mwyn sicrhau techneg cywir. Sicrhewch eich bod yn gwisgo dillad cyfforddus, eich bod mewn amgylchedd diogel a chlir gyda llif aer da, a bod gennych ddŵr gerllaw i sicrhau eich bod yn hydradu'n dda.