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ANUSHIYE PORTRAIT by NOEL Array of Opposites Experimentica-207.jpg

Anushiye Yarnell 

Date: Friday 7th, 14th & 21st February

Time: 10:00am - 11:30am (studio open from 9:30am)

Venue: CHAPTER, Cardiff in The Dance Studio


About Anushiye
Anushiye is an interdisciplinary dance maker and performer whose work is drawn from personal experience, past and future mythologies. Her works examine the intersection of dream and fantasy realms with ordinary life, seeking out connections between day to day experiences of the world and anthropological, philosophical, poetic and artistic frameworks.


About the workshop

AN ARRAY OF OPPOSITES draws upon evolutionary/ involutionary developmental resonance and other forms of animal/ plant and elemental life.

Attuning through an "Array of Opposites”, we will navigate a dance to reconfigure ourselves perceptually


- as symmetrical & asymmetrical, thinking & feeling organisms.

- through continuity & discontinuity.

- shapeshifting between the transformative impressions and sensual mutations between forms.

- inhabiting distinct inter-looping of elemental and scalar presences and sensations of time and touch.

Am Anushiye

​Gwneuthurwr a pherfformiwr dawns rhyngddisgyblaethol yw Anushiye ac mae ei gwaith wedi'i dynnu o brofiad personol, mytholegau'r gorffennol a'r dyfodol. Mae ei gweithiau’n archwilio croestoriad realaeth breuddwyd a ffantasi â bywyd cyffredin, gan chwilio am gysylltiadau rhwng profiadau dydd i ddydd o’r byd a fframweithiau anthropolegol, athronyddol, barddonol ac artistig.


Am y gweithdy

Mae AN ARRAY OF OPPOSITES yn tynnu ar gyseiniant datblygiadol esblygiadol/ anwirfoddol a mathau eraill o fywyd anifeiliaid/planhigyn ac elfennol.

Gan droi trwy "Array of Opposites", byddwn yn llywio dawns i ail-gyflunio ein hunain yn ganfyddiadol.


- fel organebau cymesurol ac anghymesur, meddwl a theimlad.

- trwy barhad a diffyg parhad.

- newid siâp rhwng yr argraffiadau trawsnewidiol a'r treigladau synhwyraidd rhwng ffurfiau.

- preswylio rhyngddolen amlwg o bresenoldeb elfennol a sgalar a theimladau o amser a chyffyrddiad.

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