Zosia Jo and Chris Acousto
Fabulous Animals
Animals are wild, they follow their instincts. They don’t care how they look or what we think of them.
They attend to their own needs and the needs of their pack, flock, tribe and habitat.
Mae anifeiliaid yn wyllt, yn dilyn eu greddf. Does dim ots ganddyn nhw am y ffordd maen nhw’n edrych na chwaith beth rydyn ni’n ei feddwl ohonyn nhw.
Maen nhw’n edrych ar ôl eu hanghenion eu hunain ac anghenion eu haid, eu praidd, eu llwyth a’u cynefin.

More about the Fabulous Animals project...
Fabulous Animal is a research project, a method and an attitude. It is an eco-feminist approach to dance and movement aimed at re-wilding the body and shedding imposed gendered movement habits. We are learning from nature and other creatures how to be better, happier humans. It has also been expressed through solo performance, short films, installation, photography and an ensemble dance theatre show.
Prosiect ymchwil yw Anifeiliaid Gwych, yn arddull ac yn agwedd. Mae’n dod at ddawns a symud o safbwynt eco-feministaidd, er mwyn ail-wylltio'r corff a chael gwared o arferion symud rhyw- benodol a orfodwyd arnom. Yn dysgu gan natur a chreaduriaid eraill am sut i fod yn bobl well a hapusach. Mae wedi’i fynegi drwy berfformiadau unigol, ffilmiau byr, darnau gosod, ffotograffiaeth ac mewn ensemble dawns sioe theatr.